Friday, October 25, 2013

WHEN I THINK OF CHILD DEVELOPMENT........ This course has taught me a lot about child development. The most exciting part of the course was doing the observations. It is amazing how much you can learn from children by watching them in their natural environment. I was really amazed during my last observation by the child's actions. This child is ADD/ADHD. The teacher was reviewing for a spelling test. This child was distracted and lost focus several times. Just when I thought that he was not paying attention, the teacher called out a word and his hand flew in the air. He was distracted, lost focus, and listening to the teacher at the same time. Is that really possible? It was hard to pick one quote because I have two that mean a lot to me. "Children are our most valuable resource." Herbert Hoover, 31st President "I continue to believe that if children are given the necessary tools to succeed, they will succeed beyond their wildest dreams." David Vitter, U. S. Senator I would like to thank the following classmates for all the positive comments and feedback posted to my blog. I wish you the best of luck in your educational journey. If I can ever assist you in any way, please don't hesitate to contact me at Anita Partlow Jantina Maria Rice Samantha Testa THANKS


  1. Yes , Violet this has been a journey. I have learned a great deal through readings, discussion boards and it has been a pleasure working with you. I have learned so much about secure attachment, traumatic trauma in child development. The discussions has prompt me to research more on these two topics. I wish you the best as you continue your journey. I hope to work with you in future classes. Good Luck to you and thanks.

  2. Violet,
    I learned a lot for completing the observations as well. For me, it made learning about early childhood even more exciting. It was amazing to watch children because they teach you so much! Thanks for sharing your story about your last observation. I think it's a reminder that children can not be placed in a box, the develop differently and learn differently.

  3. Violet,
    Being able to observe children in each age range gave me great insight into their developments and taught me a lot as well. Children are our most valuable research and we can learn so much from them. Making sure children have the right resources and safe pathways to learn and grow are essential. Thank you for providing insightful and passionate blogs for all to learn from.

  4. Hi Violet!
    I too enjoyed the observations. It truly is an amazing experience, especially if you are a parent and are use to only observing your own children, lol! I want to personally say thank you to you for your contribution to the discussions in this course, as well as sharing such personal heartfelt experiences. I remember these and they have been motivating, as well as inspiring to me personally. I wish you the very best as you journey forward on the road to becoming an educator. I don't know if we will be in class together again, but I wish you much success!
    - Jantina Maria Rice

  5. Violet, Thanks you for your research and thoughts on early childhood development. I also enjoyed observing children with the knowledge of why they were behaving the way they were in terms of cognition and social learning. I wish you luck in the future.

  6. Thank you Violet. I hope we work together again in the future. The quote that "Children are our most valuable resource" is right on. Even though we think that we are the educators and we are teaching them, the children teach us everyday. If we listen and look closely enough we all could learn from children and their experiences and view points on the ways of life.
