Saturday, October 12, 2013

Testing for Intelligence "Assessment is the process of collecting information about children's development, learning, health, behavior, academic progress, need for special services, and attainment in order to make decisions (Morrision, 2009, p.61)." Ares that will improve a child's learning should be assessed. The whole child should be assessed. The assessment should be done on what the child is actually learning, doing, what they know and are able to do. It is important to remember the child's culture, language, and needs when performing the assessments. Assessments should be done throughout the year to determine how the child is progressing. Research has shown that no two countries has student assessments that match. Assessments are done in the French educational system by giving three national assessments. The assessments are given in third grade, sixth grade, and ninth grade. By the end of the senior year, students take test to see what may be their professional or educational future. French educators don't like the test, but the public and media supports it. I believe that assessments are necessary in order for a child to develop properly. We should communicate with parents and be truthful about the results. Keep records of the child's assessments. Teachers can provide parents with information that they can use to help their children at home. It is important for teachers and parents to work together in order to ensure that the child is developing properly. References Berger, K. S. 2012 The Developing Person Through Childhood Morrison, G. S. 2009 Early Childhood Education Today


  1. Hello Violet I think that children should take assessment test also in order to find out what they have learned and comprehend. I think that parents can encourage children to study and to encourage them to complete homework. Parents already know the dates that testing will take. They can also find out what their child is learning and reinforce skills through out the year.

  2. Hi Violet, I like how you mentioned that assessments need to also be inclusive of different cultures and languages. I for one, am an advocate for inclusion and multicultural bridging within our schools. I think it is essential with the high level of diversity in certain areas of our nation that we consider this when creating and issuing these national assessments to our schools.

    - Jantina Maria Rice

  3. Violet,
    I couldn't agree more... your comment "assessment should be done on what the child is actually learning, doing, what they know and are able to do" is spot on. I did not know the French were so sparing with their assessments. I bet it takes a lot of the pressure off the students and teachers so that more authentic learning can take place.
