Saturday, February 8, 2014

Getting to Know Your International Contacts

     "Equity within early childhood education means that all children and families have equal access and opportunity to benefits from all the field has to offer.  Access to high-quality services, for example, is not dependent on monetary resources, a child's abilities, or program availability.  Social equity through access and opportunity means high-quality early childhood education for all" (Darragh,2010)."
     The podcast talks about standards, school readiness, and achievement gaps.  There are gaps in cognitive development, social-emotional development, and health status.  Programs are being created to ensure a more even start at the school entry level. Standards should be set for educators so that they are knowledgeable of what children need to know.  They need to know where the child is coming from and what the child already knows. According to the podcast,  Head Start is set up to address achievement gaps and school readiness.
     The first new insight that I have gained is the issue of child mental health.  The child mental health issue is under-addressed, but is very important to a child's development.  Research is being done globally to find out why this issue exist.  The second insight that I have gained is the importance of setting patterns for educators.  Setting patterns for educators is a standard that is needed to help promote development and learning in children.  The third insight is the importance of educating leadership.  Effective ways must be found to communicate with global policymakers about the issue of child development.

Darragh, J. C. (2010). Introduction to Early Childhood Education-Equity and Inclusion

Course Media: "Excellence and Equity of Care and Education for Children and Families—Part 1" (approximate length: 8 minutes) Conversation with Delila Vasquez (Director of Program Services, Los Angeles Universal Preschool) about equity and excellence of care and education for children and families—focus on curriculum, assessment, achievement gaps, standards, etc.

Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. (2010). Global children's initiative. Retrieved 2/8/2014 from

1 comment:

  1. I think Headstart is a great program for Early Childhood Education. My children went to Headstart and I think it gave them a good foundation to learning what they needed to excel in Kindergarten. It is very important that all children have access to a quality preschool program.
