Saturday, August 24, 2013

A Note of Thanks and Support Laure Toulemonde Vidal I would like to thank you for reading my blogs and supporting me by leaving me postive comments. I love when you said that "we have to teach our children in the present so that they can have a better future." That statement is so true. I wish you the best of luck with all your future goals and aspirations. Good luck with the rest of your education process. Maybe we will take another class together.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your hard work in this course, you really gave alot of effort, which shows your professionalism. I would like to say sorry that we did not personally connect in this course, but maybe in the future there is a chance that we may?
    Also that your posts and discussions have been a source of information for me as you are more experienced in the field. Thank you for that.
    Best wishes on your academic journey with Walden!
    Sundari Sherreitt
