Saturday, January 25, 2014

Getting to Know Your International Contacts-Part 1

My conversation partners for this blog are Speaker 1 and Speaker 2 from the podcast and Dr. Cathy Grace. The podcast was very educational.  From Speaker 1, I have learned that children are the greatest percentage of the poverty rate.  Birth to eight years old are effected most by poverty.  Children born into poverty adapt better than children that may fall into poverty because their parents lost a job, sickness, or economic changes.  It is difficult for them to deal with poverty.  From Speaker 2, I have learned that services should be provided to all families regardless of their income.  Poverty takes people choices away.  It is important to spend time with children and their families.  There are steps to take toward combating poverty such as knowing your community, know what resources are available, utilize public libraries because they are their to serve the community and most of all give of yourself by investing your time to help the cause. Be dedicated when working with children and families.

India has one third of the world's poor.  Forty two percent of India is below the poverty line.  Food is scarce.  Families must put their resources together in order to survive.  Children as young as five and six must go to work.  Education is not an immediate need.  Parents must chose survival over their child's growth and development.  There is a lack of sanitation, nutrition, and clean water.  This cause health problems.  Of all the children in India 42.5% of the children suffer from malnutrition.  Poor families in India live in slums.  The slums have bathrooms that must be shared.  The key to fixing poverty in India is education.  People need to be educated on health, sanitation, skills, and better education in schools.

My new insight on poverty is that it is a major problem all over the world.  People must educate themselves on the causes of poverty and take the necessary measures to eliminate poverty.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Getting Ready-E stablishing Professional Contacts and Expanding Resources

My contacts will be coming from the Alternative assignment.  The websites that I will explore are: Global Fund for Children

Millions of children around the world are born into a stark reality: will they work in markets and 

mines, or go to school? Will they be trafficked into slavery, or be free? Will they be child soldiers, 

or students? These are staggering choices no child should face.  At The Global Fund for Children, 

we transform the lives of children on the edges of society—trafficked children, refugees, child 

laborers—and help them regain their rights and pursue their 

dreams. In other words, we do all we can to let kids be kids—no matter what their circumstances. 

Since 1997, we’ve reached 9 million children worldwide. the Children
Save the Children gives children in the United States and round the world what every child deserves – a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm. When disaster strikes, we put children’s needs first. We advocate for and achieve large-scale change for children. We save children’s lives. Join us.

The organization that I will explore is National Association of Early Childhood Teacher Educators (NAECTE). The list below states the goals of the organization.

  • To promote the professional growth of our membership
  • To discuss educational issues specific to our membership
  • To advocate for improvements in early childhood teacher education
  • Provide a forum for consideration of issues and concerns of interest to educators of early childhood teacher educators
  • Provide a communication network for early childhood teacher educators
  • Facilitate the interchange of information and ideas about research and practice
  • Use, as vehicles, the Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, conferences, resolutions, position papers, and other publications
  • Cooperate with other national and international organizations concerned with the study and education of young children