"Play is the most natural method of self-healing that childhood affords."
Erik Erickson
"Children need the freedom and time to play. Play is not a luxury. Play is a necessity."
Kay Redfield Jamison
When I was younger people supported play by encouraging their children to go outside and play. Parents even joined their children outside to play. Families played games outside, rode bikes, and I remember just taking evening walks. We talked about different things on our walks and stopped to explore many insects and flowers along the way. We could not wait to go outside when I was young, especially on Saturdays. When got up extra early to get those chores done so the rest of the day could be spent outside playing. We just went from one game to the next. We shot marbles, jumped rope, played chase, rode bicycles, played hop scotch, and any other game that we could make up. We went in the house for lunch and came back outside and started all over again. Those days were so much fun.
Today, play has changed drastically. Children no longer want to go outside to play. Most parents don't have time because of work and home obligations. Children occupy themselves with whatever the latest electronic gadget maybe. They spend a lot of time on the computer, cell phone, x-box, wii, and anything that will NOT lead them outside to play. They don't want to go out in the heat or the cold. Most parent don't encourage outside play because they would have to take the time to go outside and watch the kids or perhaps play along with them. In today's society both parents usually work and that makes it hard on the children. After school, they are usually in childcare or with siblings. By the time some parents get off from work it is already dark outside and there is no time left for play. Play is also limited in school. Most of the time in school is spent focused on passing test.
I encouraged outside play and joined in with my children every chance that I got to be with them. Today, we all still love being outside. We have instilled the same values in my grandbabies. We love to play and we love playing outside. They learn so much while playing and they ask a lot of questions about the insects and flowers.